Social Initiatives
Always Thinking About Tomorrow.
Always Thinking About Tomorrow.
Many of the projects that KASIN are involved in have been initiated through the Holy Himalaya Trust. KASIN has provided the money but the projects would not have happened without the guidance and monitoring from the Holy Himalaya Trust. Fantastic networking by The Holy Himalaya team enabling us to marshall resources and influencing others from Nepal, Italy, France, Japan and the UK to join in the ventures.This time we visited our project at Tamang Kharka School where we are involved in a 5 year health and education project. We opened a new teacher’s resource centre and visited many of the primary feeder schools with our health promotion officer, Manisha and our English teacher trainer, Moin. We also opened a new After School club at Kurintar and visited the other 3 After Schools at Goldhunga , Yarsa and Phulkharka. We have been asked to set up 2 more After schools in the Phulkharka area. These facilities have been hugely successful and one of the most cost effective ways of improving education for some of the more marginalised communities.